Exhibitions With Joyful
A contemporary and modern art gallery situated in the area of Rattanakosin Island, Bangkok’s most historic and prestigious district. An incorporation of talented artists, experienced curators and interior designers has created a new dimension of Thai contemporary art space for all art lovers and collectors. The gallery has two exhibition rooms over the area of 3,500 sq.ft., hundreds of unique and boundaryless art forms are neatly displayed. The exhibition areas are fully facilitated to meet international benchmarks including gallery administrative system.
Our work is based on the concept of JOY & JOIN.
The organization operates by skilled personnel who can work with artists. Can reduce the gap and create a common understanding of work from the beginning of the process to the end result. Our method Is a collaboration between galleries and artists to push forward the contemporary Thai art industry to be accepted in the international world and play a role in society in a variety of different ways.